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Salmon: the benefits and how to choose

  1. The most useful - Pacific salmon
  2. How to choose salmon

Salmonids are a whole family of fish, the most famous species: salmon, pink salmon, trout, char, sockeye salmon, chum salmon and others. Salmon meat contains a lot of fat, but mostly unsaturated fatty acids, which have a beneficial effect on blood fat levels. Salmon is rich in potassium and phosphorus, it also contains calcium, magnesium, chlorine, iron, zinc, chromium, fluorine, molybdenum, nickel, vitamin B1, B2, C, E, PP and A.

Read also: Roll of lavash with salmon and avocado

Fish oil primarily protects the arteries, “thinning the blood” just like aspirin, thereby preventing the formation of blood clots, which can lead to heart attacks and strokes. Fish oil primarily protects the arteries, “thinning the blood” just like aspirin, thereby preventing the formation of blood clots, which can lead to heart attacks and strokes

This fat also reduces blood pressure and blood levels of triglyierides, potentially dangerous fats, increases the level of "good" cholesterol, regulates heartbeat, makes the old arteries more flexible and helps block inflammatory processes that cause arthritis, cancer, psoriasis, diabetes and general cell disruption.

Research has shown that omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in large quantities in salmon, can affect human biological aging. These substances prevent the shortening of the end sections of chromosomes, telomeres, thereby slowing aging.

Fatty acids have a positive effect on brain cells, helping to prevent the development of memory and attention problems caused by age or illness.

The most useful - Pacific salmon

Pacific wild salmon, which feeds on algae Haematoccous pluvialis, contains a large amount of astaxanthin, a substance that, by a number of its properties, is similar to carotene. By the way, it is astaxanthin that gives the flesh of the fish a bright red tint. As for the salmon grown on farms, astaxanthin is contained in very small quantities in them due to the special nutrition of the fish, contributing to its accelerated growth. Pacific wild salmon, which feeds on algae Haematoccous pluvialis, contains a large amount of astaxanthin, a substance that, by a number of its properties, is similar to carotene

In addition, it is worth noting that farmed salmon can contain many hazardous chemical compounds such as arsenic, mercury, dioxins, etc. These substances are poisonous to the body. Such salmon is undesirable for pregnant women, since toxins can penetrate not only into the mother’s blood, but also into the baby’s blood. Therefore, when choosing a fish also need to be careful.

How to choose salmon

Fresh raw salmon fish should be firm and elastic, like rubber, to the touch, it should lie directly on the table, and if you move the fish to the edge of the table, then no part of the fish carcass should hang. Like fresh bread, when you click on it, its shape is immediately restored, the fish should level off to the previous state after pressing.

If you raise the gills in fresh fish and look inside, you can see a dark red color. Fish meat should be uniform in color, pale pink or white, depending on the breed of fish. The surface of the fish carcass should be shiny.

Read also: How to choose the right red fish

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